Human Design for Business

With HD reader Cat Fitzgerald

Whether you’re new to Human Design or have been playing with it for a while, this class with HD reader Cat Fitzgerald will teach you what to look for in your HD chart to understand yourself deeper than ever before so that you can make decisions for how to run your business in a way that aligns with your true soul message and natural energy output.

✦how to read your HD chart as a business owner + what to look for
✦sacral vs non-sacral: avoiding burnout or recovering from it if you’re already there
✦HD to understand who you’re here for and how you’re meant to shift the collective
✦expansion and how you are meant to create abundance
✦somatics + trusting yourself

Class overview:

When I started my business I struggled to know what my business was supposed to be, and when I did settle on an offer, how I was supposed to sell it + make money. Thankfully over the years I’ve been guided from teacher to teacher to get clear on what my true soul’s teachings are — a process that took me years when it didn’t have to.

Because reality is, our purpose is written into our Human Design chart.

And when we take time to understand our chart, we can get clear on what we are here to do and how we are meant to show up, which we can be applied to our businesses for deeper fulfillment + much better results.

If you're familiar with HD, feel free to bring your chart to the class. If you're new to HD, don't worry! We'll be walking you through the process of getting your chart + what sites we recommend. Access link for workshop will be available instantly after purchase.

Cost to enrol:

$47 USD - non-EiB students

$free for EiB students (find under ‘bonus resources’ in the Empaths in Business course platform)

Understand your human design to create a more aligned business + workflow